Types of Sentences

There are 5 kinds of sentences. वाक्य के 5 प्रकार के होते हो। Here we will learn these 5 kinds of sentences and we will understand what is the difference among them.

  1. Declarative Sentences (घोषणात्मक वाक्य)
  2. Interrogative Sentences (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)
  3. Imperative Sentences (आदेशात्मक वाक्य)
  4. Exclamatory Sentences (विस्मयबोधक वाक्य)
  5. Optative Sentences (इच्छावाचक वाक्य)

Declarative Sentences

Declarative sentences are also called Assertive sentences. In these sentences, anything is told in a simple way. Declarative sentences are of two types:

  1. Affirmative Sentence
  2. Negative Sentence

Affirmative Sentence: Affirmative sentences are positive sentences. In these sentences a positive statement is given. For example –

  • दीपिका पत्र लिखती है।
    Deepika writes a letter.

Negative Sentence: In these sentences, the statement is negative. For example –

  • दीपिका पत्र नहीं लिखती है।
    Deepika does not write a letter.

Interrogative Sentences

These sentences are in question form. इन वाक्यों में प्रश्न पूछा जाता है। इन वाक्यों के अंत में प्रशनवाचक चिन्ह (?) लगाया जाता है।  For example :

  • क्या दीपिका पत्र लिखती है?
    Does Deepika write a letter?
  • दीपिका क्या लिखती है ?
    What does Deepika write?

Imperative Sentence

In these kind of sentences, order, request and advise are expressed. आदेशात्मक वाक्य वे होते है जिनमे आदेश, प्रार्थना एवं सलाह दी जाती है।  For example –

  • अपनी किताब लाओ।
    Brings your book. (Order)
  • कृप्या मेरी मदद करो।
  • Please help me. (Request)
  • अपने बड़ो का आदर करो।
    Respect your elders. (Advise)

Exclamatory Sentences

In these sentences, any sudden feeling is expressed. इन वाक्यों में हर्ष, उल्लास, दुःख, आश्चर्य आदि भावो को प्रकट किया जाता है।  For example –

  • कितना सुन्दर दृश्य है !
    What a beautiful scene it is!
  • शबाश ! हम मैच जीत गये।
    Bravo ! We have won the match.

Optative Sentence

In these sentences, desire and prayer are expressed. इन वाक्यों में इच्छा एवं प्रार्थना प्रकट की जाती है। For example –

  • जुग जुग जियो।
    May you live long.
  • भगवान् करे तुम्हे परीक्षा में सफलता मिले।
    May you get success in exam