Direct Speech से Indirect Speech सीखें | Learn English Grammar | English lessons for beginners

In this video, learn Direct-Indirect speech with all basics in Hindi. Learn how to change direct speech into in-direct speech.

How to change Direct Speech to indirect Speech

While changing Direct speech sentences to indirect speech sentences we should keep in mind what all changes are done and how. Keep in mind that the part of the direct sentence before the inverted commas “” is reporting speech whereas the part of the sentence within the inverted commas is the reported speech.

  1. If the reporting verb is in the past indefinite tense like ‘said’ then can changes to could, may changes to might and must remain unchanged.


Direct Sentence- The teacher said, “The boys must work.”
Indirect Sentence- The teacher said that the boys must work.

  1. If “needn’t” is used in direct speech, it remains unchanged in the indirect speech.


Direct Sentence- He said, “You needn’t wait.”

Indirect Sentence- He said that I needn’t wait.

While changing direct speech sentences to indirect speech sentences we follow the rule of S.O.N- S(I, we). O(You). N(He,she,etc)
This rule means that I and we change according to the Subject of the reporting speech.
You changes according to the Object of the reporting speech.

He, she, etc remains unchanged.

  1. If ‘we’ is used in a general sense then it remains unchanged.


Direct Sentence- The hermit says, “We all must die one day.”

Indirect Sentence- The hermit said that we all must die one day.

  1. If reporting speech has said then this, here and now change but this, here and now are pointing towards a thing, place or time then they remain unchanged.


Direct Sentence- He said, “This is my book.”
Indirect Sentence- He said that this was his book.
Direct Sentence- He said, “ I lived here for a week.”
Indirect Sentence- He said that he had lived here for a week.
Direct Sentence- He said, “ He will do it now.”
Indirect Sentence- He said that he will do it now.

Remember past indefinite tense changes to past perfect tense while changing direct speech to indirect speech.

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