Parts of Speech & Noun

Parts of Speech

Words are divided into different parts according to their role in a sentence. These are called “Parts of Speech”.

Parts of speech are 8 in number.  These are as following:

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Verb
  5. Adverb
  6. Conjunction
  7. Interjection
  8. Preposition


Noun is the name of a person, place or thing. For Example: Rohan, Delhi, Mobile etc.
Kinds of Noun: There are 5 kinds of noun.

Proper Noun

Proper Noun is the name of any specific person or specific place.  किसी विशेष व्यक्ति या स्थान का नाम Proper Noun कहलाता है।
Proper Noun का letter सदैव capital letter में होता है। For example:
Person’s Name – Rohan, Deepika, John etc.
River’s Name – The Ganga, The Yamuna etc.
Place ‘s Name – Delhi , Agra, Mumbai etc.
Country’s Name – India, America, Russia etc.
Mountain’s Name – Mount Everest, Himalaya etc.

Practice Set

  1. Which one is not a proper noun?
  2. Rohan
  3. Delhi
  4. China
  5. Boy
  6. Which one is a proper noun?
  7. Gold
  8. Army
  9. Childhood
  10. Deepika

Common Noun

Common Noun is a noun which represents the whole (complete) class. जो सम्पूर्ण जाति का बोध कराते है , उन्हे Common Noun कहते है।

For Example:

Girl, Boy, River, Country, Mountain etc.
Difference between Proper Noun and Common Noun:

Proper Noun Common Noun
Katrina Girl
Rithik Boy
Ganga River
America Country
Himalaya Mountain

Practice Set

  • Which one is a common noun?Yamuna
  1. Ganga
  2. Deepak
  3. Army
  • Which one is not a common noun?
  1. Country
  2. Baby
  3. America
  4. Girl

Collective Noun

As the name suggests, Collective Noun is a noun which shows group of people or things.
जो समूह का बोध कराते है , Collective Noun कहलाते है।

For Example:
Crowd – Group of people
Class – Group of students
Army – Group of soldiers
Team – Group of players

Practice Set

  • Which one is not an example of collective noun?
  1. India
  2. Class
  3. Crowd
  4. Army
  • Which one is an example of collective noun?
  1. Deepak
  2. River
  3. Football Team
  4. Mountain

Material Noun

Material Noun is the name of different materials. Material noun cannot be counted.
विभिन्न पदार्थो के नाम को Material noun कहते है।
For Example: Gold, Silver, Iron, Wood etc.

Difference between Common Noun and Material Noun
The thing which is made of Material Noun is called Common Noun.

Material Noun Common Noun
Gold Ring
Wood Chair
Iron Iron Lock

Practice Set

  • Which one is not an example of material noun?
  1. Table
  2. Silver
  3. Brass
  4. Wood
  • Which one is an example of material noun?
  1. Chair
  2. Team
  3. Deepak
  4. Gold

Abstract Noun

Abstract Noun is the noun which tells about the quality, action and state of anything.
Abstract Noun प्रायः किसी पदार्थ से सम्बंधित उस गुण कर्म या अवस्था का नाम होता है जो पदार्थ से सम्बन्ध रखती है।

For Example

  • Quality – Honesty, Wisdom, Bravery, Kindness
  • Activity – Laughter, Theft, Judgment
  • State – Childhood, Boyhood, Sickness
  • Emotions/Feelings – Love, Anger, Hate, Pride

Practice Set

  • Which one is not an example of abstract noun?
  1. Honesty
  2. Pride
  3. Love
  4. Army
  • Which one is an example of abstract noun?
  1. Deepak
  2. River
  3. Wisdom
  4. Mountain

Modern Classification of Noun

Modern Classification of Noun can be divided in 2 parts.

  1. Uncountable Nouns
  2. Countable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are the nouns which cannot be counted. For Examples

  • Proper Nouns – Delhi, Agra, Deepak, Himalaya
  • Material Nouns – Gold, Silver, Wood
  • Abstract Nouns – Honesty, Love, Hate, Anger

Countable nouns are the nouns which can be counted.
For Examples – Common Noun like boy, girl, man, country etc

Practice Set

  • Which one is not an example of countable noun?
  1. Mountain
  2. Boy
  3. River
  4. Amitabh
  • Which one is not an example of uncountable noun?
  1. Salman Khan
  2. River
  3. Wisdom
  4. Silver